Kegiatan Sosialisasi International Symposium on Education 2022
Kota Bengkulu (Akademik) 27/04/22 – Dirjen GTK Madrasah Kementerian Agama RI melaksanakan kegiatan Sosialisasi Internasional Symposium on Education (SOE) melalui Zoom Meeting dan Youtube. Kegiatan ini dibuka secara resmi oleh Kasubdit Bina GTK Madrasah MI/MTs Bapak Dr. Ainur Rofiq, M.Ag. Narasumber kegiatan ini adalah Dr. Ameliasari TK, M.Pd, Reza Hesti, M.Pd, Farida Hanum, M.Pd
May 18th – 20th, 2022
A. Background
After successfully holding The First International Symposium on Education (ISOE) in 2021, now the Directorate of Teachers and Education Staff (GTK Madrasah) will hold the 2nd International Symposium on Education (ISOE) 2022. This year ISOE is being held to commemorate National Education Day (Hardiknas) on May 2, 2022. However, ISOE will be held on May 18 – 20, 2022. ISOE 2022 will be held online by utilizing metaverse technology in the form of a virtual ballroom. As the spearhead of Educational success, teachers must adapt to the development of information and technology. When the virtual world has entered the Metaverse era, teachers must also be able to use it to facilitate the achievement of educational goals. The presence of metaverse technology also plays an important role in the religious moderation movement. Socialization of religious moderation can be done through various media such as infographics, animations, and videos that are distributed massively through online media that are easily accessible by netizens, including teachers and other education actors. Therefore, ISOE 2022 is held based on technology and has a theme about technology as well. B. Form of Event “The 2nd International Symposium on Education (ISoE) 2022”
C. Theme
“Digitizing Education in the Metaverse Era”
D. Theme Scope
Digitization of education is a necessity in the metaverse era. This theme relates to issues regarding the challenges and opportunities of education in the Metaverse Era, the management of digitalization of education, the usage of information and technology in learning, and/or all issues related to the digitalization of education in the metaverse era.
E. Goals
1. Enhancing the professionalism of the performance of educators and education staff in improving the quality of learning to design world class education.
2. Sharing good practice experiences during learning in the pandemic era as a reference for education.
3. Encouraging scientific culture among educators and education staff in the field of scientific writing.
F. Targets
1. The implementation of the second International Symposium on Education.
2. Documented 20 manuscripts to be published in the Madaris Journal ISOE 2022 Edition.
3. Preparation of International Seminar Proceedings.
G. Time and Place
Wednesday – Friday, May 18 – 20, 2022 via ISOE 2022 zoom meeting
H. Keynote Speaker: Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs: Yaqut Cholil
I. Speakers
1. Mark Oliver Heyward, Director of INOVASI.
2. Finland
3. Australia
4. Turkiye
5. Germany
6. Japan
7. USA
8. Korea
9. France
J. Participants
1. Teachers and education staff of schools and Islamic schools from
MI/SD to MA/SMA levels both from Indonesia and other countries
2. Especially teachers and education staff from Indonesia who already
have NUPTK.
K. Registration Procedure
Participants submit manuscripts via
L. Script Term
1. The script is not the result of plagiarism.
2. The manuscript is the result of classroom research, best practice and
innovative idea about education.
3. The manuscript has never been published in a Journal or another media.
4. For Indonesian Participants:
a. Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian, English and/or Arabic.
b. If the manuscript is written in Indonesian, it will be accompanied
by an abstract in English and Arabic.
5. For participants from Overseas, the manuscript is written in English
and/or Arabic.
6. Manuscripts are typed in A4 paper, Arial 12 font, 1.5 spaced with 4
cm left margin, and 3 cm other margin.
7. The length of the manuscript is 7 – 10 pages.
8. Writing citations and bibliography use innote APA model.
9. Manuscripts are written according to the template provided by the
M. Symposium Speakers
Speakers are from 20 ISOE 2022 manuscript writers. Speakers are
required to:
1. Make a video for the success of ISOE 2022 which contains:
a. Self-introduction (name, institution, city and province)
b. Paper topics and outline
c. Order ISOE 2022 impression
d. Invitation to participate in ISOE 2022
e. Maximum duration: 3 minutes
f. Videos are uploaded to the participants’ youtube, facebook, twitter
and instagram accounts by mentioning the @gtkmadrasah and
@isoemadaris accounts and writing hashtags:
2. Presentation Videos
a. The video duration is 10 minutes.
b. The video records the entire series of presentations from the
opening to the closing accompanied by the identity of the speaker.
c. The video is saved to google drive or other online storage application and the video link is sent to
d. The video shows the faces of the speakers and presentation materials.
e. The speaker is neatly and politely dressed.
f. Presentation using ISOE 2022 background.
N. Symposium Participants
1. Manuscript Contributor
Manuscript contributors are manuscript senders who have not been selected as symposium presenters. Script contributors are required to register as participants by attaching a presentation poster containing:
a. Author’s identity (self-portrait, work unit, city and province origin)
b. Outline of the contents of the paper
2. General Participants
General participants are teachers and education personnel who
register with the following conditions:
a. Fill out the registration form
b. Installing twibbon as a registration requirement
c. Following the IG GTK madrasah and ISOE accounts
d. Mention the IG GTK madrasah and ISOE accounts
3. Invited Participants
Participants who received an invitation from the ISOE 2022 Committee.
Jakarta, March 19, 2022
Head of Committee